Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried to address some of the common queries about this art form. However, if you have any other question/comments, please submit them using the "Submit your Query" section of this website and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Are there any requirements to learn Bharata Natyam such as age, gender etc?

There is a general perception that it’s too late to learn the art if we don’t start practicing it from early years. That’s not true – all you need is real interest and passion for this classical form of art. However, we recommend a minimum age of 6 for kids to start learning this art.

Are there any fitness benefits?

Ofcourse, Bharata Natyam is not only an art but many of us don’t realize it’s a perfect exercise helping us maintain sound body & soul.

OK, what are those benefits?

As mentioned above, this form of dance provides you a real body workout. Generally, the movements/postures in Bharata Natyam involve most of your body parts and all the important muscles. For example, majority of this dance is performed by sitting in Aramandi (half-sitting), which could be demanding. The strenuous body movements, fast sequence of steps, jumps and gestures will help you burn the calories and maintain a healthy BMI. One of the unique aspect of Bharata Natyam is that your eyes always follow your hand gestures, which strengthens the eye muscle - result a healthy vision for long!

In addition to these physical benefits, Bharata Natyam also improves your concentration and focusing ability. The fast sequence of steps which have to be coordinated with the song’s rhythm will enhance your mind-body coordination improving your productivity in ­­day-to-day activities. This aspect is very important for kids as they are in their key development phase. Finally, due to the spiritual nature of this dance, it helps in maintaining a disciplined and sound mind

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