About Myself

I (Arthi Ravishankar) started learning Bharata Natyam at a very young age of 6 at Chennai, India. I was trained in the Kalakshetra style of Bharata Natyam and did my Arangetram at the age of 12. After my arangetram, I continued to learn advanced levels of Bharata Natyam and went on to do more performances. 

My Guru Smt Savithri Jagannatha Rao is well renowned in the Bharata Natyam Dance community all over the world. She is one of the esteemed students of Smt. Rukmani Devi, who established the world famous Kalakshetra fundation. It is from my Guru, I learnt the importance of grace, dedication and perfection for this form of art.

Furthermore, I was identified by CCRT-Government of India as one of the outstanding talents across India and awarded scholarship for Bharata Natyam

Besides my passion for dancing, I'm also an alumni of Guindy College of Engineering(Anna University, Chennai,India) where I did Bachelor of Engineering. Since 2004, I've been living in the United Kingdom and also working for a SAP consultancy.

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